Printed matter for ‘Cafe Rekord’ – one of our favourite cafés in Düsseldorf …
Creative Concept / Branding / Art Direction / Text / Illustration / Set Design / 2013 – 2017

Rekord Menu
Fresh design for Cafe Rekord’s new drinks menu. Chin-chin!

Rekord Piñata
"A piñata is a container often made of papier-mâché, pottery, or cloth; it is decorated, and filled with small toys or candy, or both, and then broken as part of a ceremony or celebration." (Source: Wikipedia)
That’s why we thought that this would be the perfect symbol for the 5th anniversary of Cafe Rekord …

3 different flyers – celebrating the 3rd anniversary of Cafe Rekord.

Print Menu: Offset
Colour: 1-C Black
Cover: Fly
Paper: Caribic (weiß, perlweiß, chamois, sandbraun, mais)
Print Flyer: Offset
Colour: 4C
Paper: Offset White